Annette Wolf

Senior Consultant
Assessment & Outplacement

My skills and experience

For over 25 years, I have been working as a department head, project manager, business partner, and coach in the HR field in various industries, such as the financial services sector, an international IT corporation, and the public sector. The focus of my work is on identifying approaches, decisions, and structures that bring effective and sustainable results while being in line with the talents of individual people. My clients value my extensive leadership and assessment experience, as well as my ability to recognize complex psychological processes and present them in a simple form. My authentic feedback on an equal footing, as well as my ability to offer encouraging, strength-oriented solutions, always make my regular clients happy to use my services.

My core responsibilities

  • Selection and development assessments for executives and subject matter experts
  • Executive development and coaching
  • Sparring partner for executives and experts, for example in the area of strategic alignment and optimization of the HR field
  • Life-change coach for location determination and realignment
  • Relief coach for conflict and stress situations

My passions

I enjoy spending time with my husband, my adopted cats, and engaging in serious personal development. My curiosity about how life works makes everyday life and routine a small and larger adventure. The possibility of discovering more deeply how we can actively shape our lives and enrich them with meaning, human closeness, lightness, and our personal growth, excites me every day anew. I am happy to discuss these topics during long walks by the lake and in the mountains or over traditional Swiss food with friends.

Avales Wilhelm AG
Hagenholzstrasse 56
8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone +41 43 344 31 50

Avales Wilhelm AG
Hagenholzstrasse 56
8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone +41 43 344 31 50