Promoting personal development through coaching in the capital of Switzerland.

The significant economic area of Bern has around 385,000 inhabitants and offers around 260,000 jobs. A strength of Bern as a business location is the high level of education its employees. The University of Bern as well as the universities of applied sciences work closely together with economy. The proximity to political decision-makers allows for direct and uncomplicated exchange between the economy, politics, and administration. These are the main reasons for our presence in Bern. Our co-owner and Managing Director, Andreas Rudolph, grew up in Bern and has always been well-acquainted with local customs.

Benefit from a personal conversation with him in our great locations in the city center.

Avales Wilhelm AG Zeughausgasse 14, P.O. Box, 3001 Bern, map

+41 43 344 31 50, e-mail

Welcome to AVALES Wilhelm Bern:


Zeughausgasse 14
3001 Bern, Switzerland


Phone +41 43 344 31 50

Your contacts:


Andreas Rudolph

Co Principal Managing Partner



To the portrait